New Malware Analysis Lab


After several weeks and a trip to Goodwill, I have successfully implemented my malware analysis lab as envisioned! Part I: The Setup My network is as follows: I have the Edgerouter X serving several VLANs, but there are two in particular that I will discuss today. The two ethernet ports on the XenServer serve two […]

Finalizing Malware Analysis Environment


So earlier this week, I went over the creation of my malware analysis lab. Today I will finish setting it up Part VI: Installing Openvm-tools Following these directions, I was able to successfully install OpenVM Tools within my FreeBSD environment. It took a couple reboots, but everything worked as expected. It was nice to finally […]

A Brand New Malware Environment


Man, what a week. In order to more safely analyze malware, I needed an entirely separate environment to run harmful programs. Previously, I would run them in a VM hosted on my personal computer through VMWare. This is how the VBScript was de-obfuscated. “But Brandon, isn’t running harmful code dangerous?” That’s why it’s in its […]

VBScript Trojan Analysis: Part 1


So a couple weeks ago, I found a thread on Reddit called Help reading a potentially malicious vbs file. The Original Poster had came across a VBScript file that looked rather….. weird. So! To the drawing board I went! This VBScript is 100% unreadable in its current form. It has a giant array list directly […]