Building an Upload Service

Puter Services  » Programming »  Building an Upload Service

In my last post, I wrote about how I wanted to be a webpage that will allow me to upload files to my server so I can store them for later analysis. Well, Microsoft has graciously written an ASP.NET Core program that does just that! That way, I don’t have to build the entire thing from scratch!

After working on it for about 20 or so minutes, here’s what I have:

Puter Services Malware Upload Center

My idea for this is twofold:

  1. A central storage for malware I find while away from home
  2. The ability to submit the uploaded files automatically to VirusTotal, Hybrid-Analysis, and AppAnyRun so that I don’t have to manually.

After it submits, it will then automatically download the completed report so I can view it later. Finally, it will also send me an email with the results. This way I don’t have to manually upload, keep malicious files on my phone/computer, or keep refreshing a page until I get the results.

This should be completed by the end of this weekend. I plan on livestreaming next time I work on this!

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